July 21, 2021
Dear Catholic Community Members:
It is with bittersweet feelings that I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving Riderwood/Resurrection at the end of September. I have accepted an opportunity to become a Maryknoll Lay Missioner for a 3 and ½ year commitment starting in January of 2022. Before that, I will be in orientation in New York for a couple of months. It is a horrendously difficult decision to leave a job and people that you love so much and strike out into the unknown and I have struggled with it but I very much feel that God is inviting me into this experience. I recently read something written by Father Donald Haggerty that absolutely conveys what I am feeling about this decision. He said “A prayer in which we offer ourselves completely to God, placing everything in our lives entirely in [God’s] hands…..will more than likely cause us to experience some apprehension. But without realizing it, we have likely been longing for a release from the painful sense of holding back a gift from God that could be given”.
I never want to look back on my life and wish I had taken an opportunity to draw closer to God that I passed up, in spite of the cost of such a decision. I trust that God will use my offering to whatever end suits God’s purpose and that “all things will work together for good”. Know that I will miss each and every one of you and that you will always be in my heart and in my prayers. I hope you keep me in yours.
Father Barry will be letting the community know in the near future his plans for my replacement. I will be on vacation starting on July 22 until the beginning of August but will be back most of August and all of September to train my replacement and be available for assisting in this transition. Whatever happens, I feel strongly that you will be in good hands.
Many thanks to you for your wonderful support of me over the 6 years I have been here at Riderwood. This community has always felt welcoming and warm to me and your encouragement and patience have been limitless. I will be back from vacation on August 4th. Since the word is starting to get out, I wanted to make sure you heard this news from me so I didn’t want to wait until I got back. I’m happy to answer your questions and listen to your concerns when I return.
Much Love,
Louise Locke
Catholic Pastoral Associate