Contact the Parish

We know that the planning of a funeral is difficult. Resurrection’s priests and the staff want to walk with you as you say a final good bye to your loved one.
Before planning the funeral, please call either the Resurrection office (301-236-5200) or the Riderwood office (301-572-8439) before planning the funeral, so we can look at the calendar and help you find a convenient time for the service.

Funeral Ministry

A wonderful group of volunteers has chosen, as their ministry, to assist families on the day of their loved one’s funeral. They set up the church, pass hymnals and funeral programs to those who come, show readers where to go for readings and answer questions you may have on the day of the funeral.



When planning a funeral, you will be asked to select readings: one Old Testament reading, one New Testament reading, and a Gospel. There are also a couple of choices for the Prayers of the Faithful; those can be personalized, if the family wishes. It is also preferable to designate family members or friends to read the first 2 readings and the prayers of the faithful; the Gospel is always read by the priest or a deacon.
You will also be asked to choose hymns/songs, as well as a sung Psalm. See the blue button at the bottom of the page to access a PDF packet with all resources. The music director will be happy to guide you and answer any questions. She can be reached by clicking here


If you wish, the music director can prepare programs for you and the church will print them.
Please provide the following: A digital picture of the deceased, dates of birth and death, names of the lectors (1st reading, 2nd reading, Prayers of the Faithful) and of the person(s) who deliver the words of remembrance; number of programs to be printed.
Does the family plan on having a eulogy (Words of Remembrance)?
Optional, for the back of the program: a short biography, a poem or words of thanks.

Eulogy/Words of Remembrance

Please limit the words of remembrance (prepared, written out) to one or two people, for a maximum of 5 minutes each. A short biography sent to the presider will help him prepare his homily.

Placement of an Urn, with Ashes

The parish has a special table on which the urn can be placed. There is also room for some flowers around the urn, and a small picture.

Live-stream or taping

Live-stream is hosted on Resurrection’s YouTube channel. A link will be sent ahead of time, to be forwarded to family and friends. The live-stream is unlisted (not public), thus the need for a link. Family and friends will be able to watch in real time. The link will also give access to the funeral Mass afterwards. 

Flowers at Riderwood Chapel

The florist should deliver flowers to 3110 Gracefield Road, attention chapel, and include the name of the deceased.
Flowers need to arrive at least 1 hour before the funeral.

Rental of the Youth Center or Amadeo Room, in Parish Life Center

Youth Center: $200 (3 hours) – room accommodates approximately 75-80 people. Disposal of trash & partial clean-up expected by family.
The Amadeo Room: is not available for rentals at this time.

Wake Please let us know if you would like a visitation/wake for an hour before the funeral.