Living the Gospel: The Gospel in Our Time

This Adult Faith Formation program is a partnership of several Maryland Catholic parishes

This past year has been hard. Many of us have lost beloved family members and friends. Our country is more divided than ever. We have also lost many other things: our jobs, peace of mind, our ability to move around freely, opportunities, and more. We lament violence and divisions in our country as well as any violence that festers in our neighborhoods, homes, and hearts.

In faith, we can bring these losses to God for healing. Join us on the evening of January 25 for a liturgy of lament to pray share in small group sharing, and surrender to God amidst our losses. Hoping in God, healing can begin.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Please mark your calendars:
Feb 8, 7pm-8:30pm: The Gospel in Our Time – Why the Good News is good
What does the Good News of Jesus have to do with our tumultuous times? The Good News of Jesus can help, heal, transform our world. Format — lecture, group discussion, and prayer.

Lenten Retreat, Feb 27, 9am-1pm: Released from all worry and fear
Consider the birds of the air, the lilies in the field….A morning retreat to encounter the goodness of God in Jesus’ preaching. Jesus offers us liberation, release from anxiety. Prayer over the Gospel readings, silence for meditation, spiritual conferences, small- group sharing, and prayer.

Click the image to read the Maryland Bishops' Statement


Racism and Diversity Resources, from Intercommunity, Peace and Justice Center

Racial Injustice (a brief background statement from the Ignatian Solidarity Betwork)

Diversity/Multicultural/Anti-Racism Resources from the Catholic Volunteer Network

Responding to the Sin of Racism, from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)