All families are welcome!
On Sundays, from September through May, the 9:00 am Family Mass is offered in the Amadeo Room. Come join us! During Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered for Children in Pre-K through 2nd grade. Children’s Lectionary is used for the readings. Guitar Music is provided.
Following the Mass, stay and enjoy fellowship along with coffee, juice, and doughnuts … Grow together in your faith as a family.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, for children in grades K-2, follows the same format as the Liturgy of the Word in the Mass, and includes a homily geared to them.
There is no registration and no attendance is taken. Children may attend whenever they attend the 9:00am Mass.
The children come forward with a catechist when called by the priest presider. After the children are dismissed, they gather with the catechist in the St. Therese Classroom (Room 114 in the Keffer Parish Life Center). They return to the main church at the time of the Offertory procession and the rest of the liturgy.
For more information please contact:
Helene Stever
Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry
301.288.4664 or