Our sound system is approximately 20 years old. Some components like the speakers are perfectly fine, but others need to be replaced or updated. The microphones are no longer in compliance with the FCC guidelines and need to be replaced, for example.

Technology has improved, particularly in an important area: improving the experience of those who suffer from hearing loss and are wearing hearing aids. This update will include a new assisted listening system that works with traditional receivers but also broadcasts on our wifi so people who have hearing aids can install an app on their phones and tap directly into the sound system. A number of parishioners have been requesting this upgrade; it will allow them to participate more fully in our liturgies.


The cost of this upgrade is $40,000. In the past, we would have earmarked the proceeds of Winterfest for this project, but we are taking a new approach this year, since we will not have this large fundraiser.

A Christmas Wish Tree will be set up in the Commons area and will include the names of all who have given and provide updated totals for this project.


You can send in the donation anytime from now until the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6).

Please cut the bottom of this page and insert it in the included green envelope. It can be mailed, delivered, put in the weekend collection, or your donation can be sent electronically, through our website or by using this QR code. We hope that you will see this donation as separate from your usual Christmas offering.

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