Bring your appetite and join our parish community to celebrate our geographic and ethnic diversity!
All are invited to bring a dish representative of your home state, country, or ethnic heritage.

How to Participate
On the weekends of October, aluminum pans will be available in the Commons Area after each Mass for pick-up. We ask each family attending to provide a dish from their heritage. This is a great chance to sample outstanding foods from Around the World!
Please put your prepared dish in these pans, which will be put into our warming trays. RSVPs are not required. If you take an aluminum pan, then we will expect you will attend.
Volunteers are needed! Please contact Ginger Kessler at (301) 512-6843 if you are interested.
Please drop off your dish and ingredient card prior to the 5:00 pm Mass or by 6:00 pm on Saturday, October 27. The dinner starts at 6:00 pm.
Allergy Alert
To help those with food allergies, please complete the 3×5 index card handed out with the trays, stating the ingredients in your dish.