Our next Concert:
Will You Walk the Woods So Wild? – Ayres of Albion
Sunday,April 23rd @ 4:00 pm – Resurrection Church
Ayreheart is pleased to present “Lully Lulle,” the first of several upcoming videos featuring songs from our recently released album, Barley Moon.
Perhaps allegorical, “Lully Lulle” tells the tale of a dying knight tended at his bedside by a maiden.
The actual origins of the song are obscure, but likely reach back to at least the early 16th century.
This track was recorded and mixed by Carr Designs at North Fourth Studios.
Lully lulle, the falcon hath born my mak away
He bare him off, he bare him down
He bare him into an orchard brown Lully lulle, the falcon hath born my mak away
In that orchard there was an hall
That was hanged with purple and pall
In that hall there was a bed
That was hanged with gold so red
Lully lulle, the falcon hath born my mak away
In that bed there lyeth a knight
His wound is bleeding day and night
By his bedside kneeleth a maid
She weepeth both night and day
Lully lulle, the falcon hath born my mak away
By his bedside standeth the stone Corpus Christi written thereon
Lully lulle, the falcon hath born my mak away