A 2020 Adult Faith Formation Series, a joint venture of St. Camillus, Resurrection, St. John the Baptist Catholic, and St. Patrick’s churches.
You are invited come along on an important journey over several months that will help us all to better understand how the Gospel of Jesus informs our thinking, words, and actions in relation to anti-black racism. Presentations and discussions will be anchored in what we profess as Christians and in our rich Catholic social teachings. You and others will explore what can help us personally and as church to be advocates for justice and equality.
…wherever any minority is persecuted and marginalized because of its religious convictions or ethnic identity, the wellbeing of society as a whole is endangered and each one of us must feel affected. Pope Francis
Three Monday evening sessions in August (first part of a series):
A separate registration is required for each session. Try to register for all three.
- Gospel foundation for justice and equality, August 17, 7-8:30pm.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkceGsrTItHtNwIfkbeI_yi9Um1QPk3Vls
- Institutional racism in church and society, August 24, 7-8:30pm.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrc-2vrDMvHN2RkR662LpYDjSlHbhLta9B
- Changing the conversation about race, August 31, 7-8:30pm.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArceiorD8tGtKaOPZBynBTX4A9GS_z-cNv
These are the basis for upcoming sessions through November to hear and learn about:
- Perspectives on race from the members of the church and wider community;
- Faith, prayer and advocacy as tools for transformation;
- Moving forward personally, as a church, and as citizens of the state and world.