This Lent brings a special opportunity for renewal at Resurrection. Living the Eucharist, a very successful small-group program, will be offered at our parish. The program involves small groups meeting in homes once a week for the six weeks of Lent. Exploring the Mass, we will have an opportunity to deepen our prayer, our commitment, and our sense of being disciples.
In preparation, we will be looking for:
- Small group leaders – a simple training will take place before the start of the Lenten program
- Hosts – to open their home for weekly small group meetings (NOTE: hosts need not be group leaders)
- Participants – sign up to participate in Living the Eucharist will take place the weekends of Feb 8-9th & 15-16th
Please monitor the bulletin and weekend mass announcements for ongoing details.
If you are interested in being a small group leader or host, please contact Paulist Seminarian Chris Lawton who will be coordinating the program.