Part One
‘TIS the time before Christmas, and through Burtonsville,
The Catholics were a-stirring, and even this squirrel (I needed a rhyme)
Awaiting Christ’ Mass, Nativity’s yearning
Sunday Advent Mass 4, all candles are burning
2 The Birth of the Christ we still celebrate
It’s the Reason for the Season Our Lord Jesus so great
He came first among us, as a Babe of Bethlehem
Now our hearts are His cradle, our Church ‘stables’ Him.
3 We welcome Him warmly, as His new holy family
Like Mary and Joseph and the shepherds in history
We gather round, at an altar, tonight
Near the star of the tabernacle Real Presence Light
4 The Church, where He comes now, to receive praise
A Sacrifice He offers for His people He’ll raise
Where at Bethlehem they came up to a feeding trough
He meets us and feeds us now in Communion Love
5 We approach Him in reverence Lord, I’m not worthy
To receive Your Gift in me, consecrated by Your clergy
It’s Communion with You, Jesus in Your established church
Like the Magi I’ve found you You’ve fulfilled our search.
Tis the Time, cont. Part Two
6 You forgave us, You saved us, showed us-at-the-Last Sup
You came as Sacrifice, in Mercy to raise us up
And from Pentecost on, You’ve sent Your Spirit near
We need not be alone now, “we’re” Your people dear
7 Living Your Grace, gathered now for Christmas (Christ-Mass)
Through the ages we adore You, ‘won’t let this Day pass
Without a celebration for our Person of Honor
A Mass and some carols and some Scriptures to ponder
8 How shepherds were called right out of the night
An angel of God would speak words of delight
How the Savior was born, it was news of great joy.
In a cloth and a manger they’d find the dear boy.
9 And a heavenly host would soon join to sing
Of the glory of God and of wonderful things.
He entered creation, set position aside
To show us how deeply His love did abide.
10 Sin had divided us from our almighty Lord.
He became one of us that we might be restored.
He’s Prince of our Peace; He’s Who makes whole.
Jesus! Wisdom Incarnate, Shepherd of the Soul.
Tis the Time, cont. Part Three
11 He’s the Author of Life; He’s the Ruler of All.
He can offer salvation, on His Name we call.
The shepherds and Wise Men would bow to adore
Holy God among humans, our greatest reward.
12 All glory and honor is due to this King.
Let all join in worship; let every tongue sing.
Jesus is Lord, all creation proclaims.
He’s the First and Last, He’s always the same.
13 History turned on the first Christmas day,
When God became man in a humble display.
As we think of the manger in which He was laid,
Let our hearts welcome Him to the world He made! ###
Parish of the Resurrection pre-Christmas 2024
MORE> For our Christmas Pageant 2 Kathy Matthea Christmas Carols we’re doing…
Jesus our brother, strong and good Was humbly born in a stable rude
And the friendly beasts around him stood Jesus our brother, strong and good.
“I, ” said the donkey, shaggy and brown, “I carried his mother up hill and down;
I carried his mother to Bethlehem town.” “I, ” said the donkey, shaggy and brown.
“I, ” said the cow, all white and red “I gave him my manger for his bed;
I gave him my hay to pillow his head.” “I, ” said the cow, all white and red.
“I, ” said the sheep with curly horn, “I gave him my wool for his blanket warm;
He wore my coat on Christmas morn.” “I, ” said the sheep with curly horn.
“I, ” said the dove from the rafters high, “I cooed him to sleep so that he would not cry;
We cooed him to sleep, my mate and i.” “I, ” said the dove from the rafters high.
Thus every beast by some good spell In the stable dark was glad to tell
Of the gift he gave Emmanuel, The gift he gave Emmanuel.
[The Friendly Beasts at Christmas song]
[I Saw Three Ships Christmas song]
I saw three ships come sailing in On Christmas eve, on Christmas eve. I saw three ship come sailing in on Christmas eve in the harbor (harbor, harbor echo)
2/ And who was in those ships all three On Christmas eve, on Christmas eve?
And who was in those ships all three On Christmas eve in the harbor?
3/ Our Savior Christ and his Lady On Christmas eve, on Christmas eve
Our Savior Christ and his Lady On Christmas eve in the morning
4/ And Joseph he was skipper aboard the skipper aboard, the skipper aboard
And Joseph he was skipper aboard On Christmas eve in the harbor key change
5/ The bells in the port shall ring, I say, It’s Christmas, yay! It’s Christmas, yay!
The bells in the port shall ring I say, on Christmas eve in the harbor.
6/ The light in the sky shall dance and play, It’s Christmas, yay! It’s Christmas, yay!
The light in the sky shall dance and play it’s Christmas time in the harbor. key change
7/ And all the angels of Heaven shall sing It’s Christmas, yay, it’s Christmas, yay!
And all the angels in Heaven shall sing It’s Christmas eve in the harbor.
8/ Then let us all rejoice again It’s Christmas time! It’s Christmas time!
Then let us all rejoice again It’s Christmas time in our harbor. (3x) key change
To the top> I saw three ships come sailing in. come sailing in. come sailing in….. . [segue to modern classic]
Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad: It’s the birthday of Jesus Christ
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, want to wish you a Merry Christmas, want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.