Like the Holy family in Bethlehem, bless a new child and their parents with a donation to the Columbia Pregnancy Center now until Epiphany Sunday. Please make your checks payable to “Church of the Resurrection” and label the memo line “baby bottle campaign.” Due to the coin shortage, we are forgoing the plastic baby bottles. You may place your donation in any collection basket, drop it off at the parish office, mail it in, or give it directly to the Columbia Pregnancy Center.
The Columbia Pregnancy Center (CPC) thanks you for your support! Please take a bottle as a reminder to donate. You can also give online by clicking here. The CPC supports families facing unplanned pregnancies. All the Center’s services are 100% free and provided through your donations. Help us give much-needed medical services, material support, referrals, education, and options counseling. Committed to making sure every family has the support they need to welcome new life.