Mass (7:30 am)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Click here to see the new procedures for Masses

Mass (weekday)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Mass (weekday)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Mass (weekday)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Needle work for those in need

Meeting Room 211 Keffer Life Center, MD

Since 2019 a group at Resurrection has been donating their time and talent to provide knitted and crocheted hats and fleece scarves to be distributed during the Winter Shelter Mission and with the Thanksgiving and Christmas food totes provided to those in need. We have also provided baby blankets for the Columbia Pregnancy Center. If […]

Mass (weekday)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Mass (weekday)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Confessions & Adoration

Confessions, Adoration, Benediction Fridays from 4:30–6:30 pm in the parish parking lot; from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the church, ending with Benediction at 7:30 pm. The priest confessor remains  at his post outside until 6:30 pm, then moves inside the church until Benediction at 7:30 pm. Outside location: the priest is located in […]

Mass (7:30 am)

Resurrection Catholic Church 3315, Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, United States

Click here to see the new procedures for Masses