Donate to help fight local hunger
Sponsored by the Resurrection Food Pantry Ministry
This year, the Resurrection Parish Community will be providing 75 Christmas Food Bags with a $20 Giant Food gift card.
How can you and your family help?
- From now until December 1, bring your donated food items (listed below) to the Rev. Robert Keffer Parish Life Center (PLC) or in the commons of the church. Please try to purchase your donation in a case or bulk (extra items can be used for the Food Pantry or Christmas Food Bags).
- Financial donations are welcome. Please make check payable to Resurrection with Christmas Food Drive 2021 in the memo line.
- Help create food bags on Friday, December 10 (after the 9:00am Daily Mass) in the upper hall of the PLC.
- Help distribute bags to families on Tuesday, December 14 (5:30pm – 7:00pm at the entrance of the PLC).
List of Food Items to donate:
- Canned Vegetables
- Cranberry Sauce
- Canned Yams or Sweet Potatoes,
- Cookie Mix
- Roll/Muffin/ or Bread Mix
- Gravy (jars, cans or boxed)
- Instant Potatoes
- Pie Crust Mix
- Pie Filling
- Stuffing Mix