“Would you like to stop writing weekly checks to the church and set up an electronic transfer directly from your checking account?
Resurrection Church has an Automatic Donation Program -please consider enrolling now and save yourself time and money over the months ahead, as many Resurrection parishioners currently do. The program is very convenient and your financial gifts to Resurrection continue even if you are out of town on business or away on vacation, or are sick and unable to attend Mass.
To enroll in this program, just click here to download and fill out this authorization form and return it to the church office.

Fast, safe and easy!
You may choose either monthly or bi-monthly for your offertory donations — either the 3rd of the month, or the 18th of the month (or both). Donations to the Parish Facility Renewal and the Maintenance Fund can be made once a month on either the 3rd of the 18th of the month.
It is fast, safe and easy! In fact, it is less risky than checks, as it cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed. You do not have to worry about your donations again, unless you decide to make a change. At that time you may simply call the office and we will make whatever change you request. Changes will take only minutes and will be effective on the next upcoming transaction date for all accounts.
Benefits for You:
The satisfaction of giving to God first; makes it easier to fulfill stewardship commitments; strengthens participation and support in the church; allows you to contribute even when you’re away; makes for easier personal budgeting; saves on writing checks; promotes consistent giving; is more secure than bringing cash or checks to church.
Benefits for our Church:
More predictable cash flow for better planning; provides staff more time for other duties; Secure and easy cash maintenance.
How it works
Your financial gifts to the church will be recorded under your envelope registration number and you will receive a statement at the end of January for tax purposes. During the year if you wish to make a contribution to any of the special collections, you may put your check in an envelope and mark it with your name, envelope number and the amount enclosed and it will be posted to your account as well.
We have made a provision for our parishioners choosing this option to pick up a brightly-colored laminated card when they walk into the Commons area before Mass which indicates, “I donated electronically.” By placing one of these cards in the collection basket, you’ll be able to continue to fully participate in the gifts.
Thank you for considering the Automatic Donation Program. Have a blessed year!