Novena to the Holy Spirit-Pentecost Novena
One of the great and oldest prayer of the Church is below. It was a prayer of longing and anticipation and openness as given by Jesus to His closest followers. Use it! PENTECOST NOVENA (short version)
+Sign of the Cross.
Daily Scriptural Prayer: “At Your Ascension, Jesus, You commanded Your followers not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for The Gift of which the Father has promised …”to wait to be clothed from On High… For (as You prophesied) that Your people would receive power when the Holy Spirit would come upon them, and so to be Your witnesses… beginning in Jerusalem, and then forth to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1)
I am Your follower, Lord Jesus. I need Your Gift of the Spirit to be moving in me. I repent of my sins, including any inaction on my part to live fully Catholic, or in any lack of response to Your teachings and promptings for me to spread the Gospel or live out the Faith obediently, as by Your revealed truth. Amen.
(↓Pray one prayer of the nine below, daily, consecutively, for the Spirit’s Gift. Pause after the prayer to reflect on its meaning and petition, then conclude with the Final Prayer ↓ )
Prayer 1 O Lord, Sweet Spirit, as Isaiah 11 prophesied, Christ’ anointing would be seven-fold, with the start being granted as wisdom. Please give me wisdom to see the big picture of life as You see it.
Prayer 2 O Lord, grant me understanding to live out Your holy plan and Your good will for my life.
Prayer 3 Dear Lord, please also enlighten me to exercise right judgment, in my figuring in what is most good and just for each situation of which I come upon, to Glorify Your Name by my actions, and to best bless the community of faith.
Prayer 4 Holy God, grant me knowledge of You and of Your ways, in direction to You, Father, and with knowing Christ Jesus well and His purposes of His Holy Church, and for a mind blessed in Your Spirit to live the Word of God, the Catechism, and an inspired lived-out manner.
Prayer 5 O Lord, united with other Spirit-filled believers in community, may I share the way of courage, showing a conviction to firm purpose of life. May I be not ashamed to honor Jesus, The Eternal Son.
Prayer 6 Holy Spirit, I also petition You to help me to live in piety, as in my being reverent in life, and to all life made in Your Grace. May I sense the sacred in my spirit, by means of prayerful humility, as here.
Prayer 7 Spirit of Christ, so inspire an awe and wonder of the Divine Trinity in me, and light up my whole life. May I have an alive faith to what it is to be a child of God and to be formed within Thy will.
Prayer 8 O God, having asked for the 7-fold Gift, help me so then practice the theological virtues; as in love to be ever strong in me, matching an ardent faith in me as being Your follower, and always led forth in hope with the eternal in mind.
Prayer 9 I pray, dear Lord, that my actions will honor you, so I beg for the moral virtues to grow in me. I pray You help me increase in my being sharp in prudence, balanced in temperance, vigorous in fortitude, and your servant for justice to be done in Your Name.
Holy Spirit Closing Prayer: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be (re)created, and You shall renew the face of the earth! O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord.”
Holy Thursday
Our Holy Thursday Mass began with the procession and reception of the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of Catechumens, and the holy Chrism. These were blessed by Cardinal Wilton Gregory during the Chrism Mass held at the Saint Matthew Cathedral on Monday, April 3rd.
Easter Vigil
We welcomed 7 new Catholics at the Easter Vigil – Congratulations to all!
Mark Kyle, Daniel Seram, Ed Foelster, Jonathan Leiva, Jeannie Williams, Don Connelly, Jeanette Ejang Ongey.
Easter Day
We welcomed great crowds this Easter!
At the 12:30 Mass, Glory Mbous received Baptism and First Communion;
Blessing Mbous, Parfait Mbous, Zaria Tabenyang, Dublin Tabenyang, Venice Tabinyang received Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Easter Flowers
Thank you to those whose generous contributions made possible the purchase beautiful flowers and decorations for our church this Easter!
Click here to see their names and those in whose memories they made a donation.