On January’s Feast of The Lord’s Baptism, I recalled how we look for renewal and strengthening to our baptism vocation by every liturgy we pray. There is holy water to apply in a sacramental at the door, then inside our prayers begin as we do a Penitential Rite. It is to remind ourselves of our need for grace and ongoing conversion; we are people who are sustaining faith and still growing in it.
The new year of 2023 marked on our parish calendar gives us a fresh opportunity to pledge the grow cur Faith in this time.
We offer a few “extras” in the parish for your spiritual edification and consideration. . Are you using them?
We have a paid account with Formed.org for you to use that Catholic online library. Join our Resurrection Parish Burtonsville account by putting your name and email to our (free-to-you) sign in name.
We have M-F daily Mass at 9:00 am, with a rosary at 8:25 am. We also have access to the church during any other office hours — just come in via the office. We have a Eucharistic view window for 24/7 prayer in the side of church, visible from your car, too. We have Confessions for three hours each Friday, and during a First Saturday holy hour. We have quiet Eucharistic adoration in church each Friday night at 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm, or have it for outdoor view of the Blessed Sacrament in monstrance from 4:30 pm -6:30 pm on Friday afternoons. We have a twice-a-month Bible study with prayers/sing and some small grouping. It is called The Resurrection Fellowship and the Riderwood Fellowship.
The Riderwood community has Eucharist adoration time and Confessions, too, and a private tabernacle and space to come and pray. That gift alone is unusual for a retirement community not led by The Church. Take advantage of it and thank the Erickson leaders for it.
In the service category, we are frequently taking volunteers for parish service.
New Year resolutions are also Faith-tied to goals of personal discipline, and forgiveness and love actions to make ahead. We also have non-spiritual plans for a “new” year, like in things like decluttering or reorganizing in our homes, since we are inside them more in the wintertime. Or we may set plans to do something good for 2023, like in finally getting to that antique car museum we so wanted to see. I DID that 2022 resolution; proof is in the photo! I also wanted to see the Macy’s parade in NYC in 2022– and I have photo proof of it! Likewise for keeping to hearing confessions outside on Fridays- but moving from my running car to a St. John Vianney confessional drive-up house.
Some 2022 goals I failed to realize, but there is this new year to try again.
What’s in YOUR 2023 plans of the soul, heart, mind or body and lived experience?